General Terms and Conditions

Terms of Use - General Terms and Conditions

General provisions

These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Terms and Conditions" or "Terms and Conditions") apply to purchases from the online store (e-shop) on the website and the use of the website, which is operated by a trading company Jacob Guldan s.r.o. with registered office: SNP 1980/29, 900 01 Modra, ID number: 51 852 471, business company registered in the Commercial Register of the City Court Bratislava III section: Sro, file number: 130131/B (hereinafter referred to as "Jacob Guldan" or " seller"). GTC are an integral part of the purchase contract between the customer in the position of buyer - consumer and the company Jacob Guldan. These terms of use regulate the rights and obligations between the seller and the buyer - consumer. Please read these terms of use carefully and make sure you understand them before using our website.

Seller / supplier - is a person who, when concluding and fulfilling a contract, acts within the scope of his commercial or other business activity. It is an entrepreneur who directly or through other entrepreneurs delivers products or provides services to the buyer.

Complaint - is the exercise of the buyer's rights due to a violation of the purchase contract, as well as the exercise of the buyer's rights resulting from the seller's responsibility for defects.

Buyer / consumer - is a customer of our online store and a person who, when concluding and fulfilling the contract, is not acting as part of his business or other business activity.

Contract of sale

The proposal to conclude a purchase contract with the buyer in the position of a consumer is the placement of the offered goods by the seller on the website, the purchase contract is created by sending the order to the buyer - consumer and accepting the order by the seller in the position of supplier. The seller will immediately confirm this acceptance to the buyer by an informative e-mail to the entered e-mail, but this confirmation does not affect the formation of the contract. The resulting contract (including the agreed price) can be changed or canceled only based on the agreement of both parties or on the basis of GTC or legal reasons. The contract is concluded for a fixed period and expires upon fulfillment of the seller's and buyer's obligations.

By concluding the purchase contract, the buyer confirms that he has familiarized himself with these terms and conditions, including the conditions for making a claim, and that he agrees with them. The buyer is informed of the General Terms and Conditions and the complaints procedure in a sufficient way before placing the order himself and has the opportunity to familiarize himself with them.

The contract is archived by the seller for the purpose of its successful fulfillment and is not accessible to third parties. Information about the individual technical steps leading to the conclusion of the contract is clear from the ordering process in our online store, and the buyer has the opportunity to check or correct it before sending the order himself. These General Terms and Conditions are displayed on the website of our online store and are thus enabled to be archived and reproduced by the buyer. The costs of using long-distance means of communication (telephone, Internet, etc.) for the execution of the order are in the normal amount, depending on the tariff of the telecommunications services used by the customer.

The seller reserves the right to cancel the order or part of it before concluding the purchase contract, based on an agreement with the buyer, in the following cases: the goods are no longer produced or delivered, or the price of the goods has changed significantly. If the buyer has already paid part or all of the purchase price, this amount will be transferred back to his account or address if the purchase contract is not concluded.

It is not possible to apply any consumer rights to gifts that are provided completely free of charge. Such goods meet the terms of the gift contract and all standards according to the current legislation of the Slovak Republic.

Contact details of the seller:


Postal address: Jakub Guldan sro, SNP 29, 90001 Modra, Slovak Republic

Account number for non-cash payments:

Bank: Tatrabanka

Account number in IBAN form: SK6311000000002941061971

Supervisory authority

Slovak Trade Inspection (SOI)

SOI Inspectorate for Bratislava region, Bajkalská 21/A, PO BOX no. 5, 820 07 Bratislava

Department of supervision - tel. no. 02/58 27 21 72, 02/58 27 21 04, fax no. 02/58 27 21 70

Order confirmation

After receiving the order, the buyer will receive an electronic invoice to the specified email address as a confirmation of the purchase. The buyer is responsible for the correctness and validity of the email address when placing the order. We recommend saving the email - Confirmation of the order to possibly facilitate contact with customer service in the future. The order confirmation also serves as proof of the purchase of the goods.


Payment can be made by credit or debit card or via Paypal. All banking transactions are handled by Stripe's banking services. Jacob Guldan does not store any credit card numbers.

Payment by credit card

Visa, AMEX, MasterCard or Apple Pay cards are safe to pay through an internet connection. Payment is processed by Stripe through secure encryption and based on strict banking standards. The buyer's card data is sent directly to the bank and cannot be read or accessed by a third party. No extra fee is charged for card payments, unless the bank charges the customer. When paying by credit/debit card, the default conditions apply immediately after the card transaction is approved. If payment is not received by the due date after the order has been sent, Jacob Guldan may automatically cancel the order.

Promo codes

You can redeem promo codes by entering them in the checkout process. Promo code cannot be entered after purchase.

Total price of goods, taxes and fees

All prices of goods listed on the website are listed without VAT, as the company Jacob Guldan is not a VAT payer, in accordance with applicable legal regulations. This price does not include shipping, delivery, postage and other costs and fees.

Customs fees and duties are also not included in the price of our products. The customer is responsible for the payment of customs fees in their entirety in case they are levied by the competent authorities. The amount of customs fees cannot be determined in advance, as it depends on the specific delivery address specified by the customer. Please note that customs fees and duties are non-refundable.

Please note that if the order is delivered to a delivery address outside the EU, it is likely that the buyer will be required to pay import duties and charges that are due when the shipment is delivered to the delivery address. Buyer is fully responsible for paying these import duties and fees. Jacob Guldan has no influence on the amount of these fees, which vary from country to country, so Jacob Guldan cannot predict their amount. Jacob Guldan recommends that the buyer contact the local customs office, which provides more information.

Ordering goods and returning goods

Orders placed on behalf of another person without the consent of that person will be reported to the relevant authority. The company Jacob Guldan reserves the right to change prices, to correct incorrect prices of all orders and goods on sale. If the price is incorrect, Jacob Guldan may be forced to cancel the purchase and refund any amount paid in the most appropriate way. It can be done at any time.

The customer has the right to return the ordered goods within 30 days of receiving the goods. This right arises for the customer if the goods and their original packaging can be returned in the same condition as when the goods were received. In case of exercising the right to return goods by the customer, we recommend that the customer contact our company in advance via the e-mail address Postage or other transport costs for the purpose of returning the goods to the hands of the seller shall be borne by the customer in the position of buyer in its entirety. In the event that the goods are damaged during transport, it is necessary to contact Jacob Guldan via the email address for information on compensation.

More detailed information on the method of returning goods is provided in the General Terms and Conditions - part - Withdrawal from the purchase contract.

Rights and obligations of the seller

The seller is obliged to:

  • based on the order confirmed by the seller, deliver the goods to the buyer in the agreed quantity, quality and date and pack them or;
  • equip for transportation in a manner necessary for its preservation and protection;
  • to ensure that the delivered goods comply with the applicable legal regulations of the Slovak Republic
  • hand over to the buyer together with the goods in written or electronic form at the latest all the documents necessary for taking over and using the goods and other documents prescribed by valid legal regulations (instructions in the Slovak language, tax document).

The seller has the right to proper and timely payment of the purchase price from the buyer for the delivered goods.

Rights and obligations of the buyer

The buyer is obliged to:

  • take over purchased or ordered goods,
  • to pay the seller the agreed purchase price within the agreed due date, including the costs of delivering the goods,
  • not damage the good business name of the seller
  • confirm receipt of the goods in the delivery note with your signature or the signature of a person authorized by him.

The buyer has the right to deliver the goods in the quantity, quality, date and place agreed by the contracting parties in the binding acceptance of the order.

Warranty conditions - complaints procedure

For the purposes of this complaint procedure, a complaint means the application of liability for product defects.

The goods sold must have the required quality, or the quality established by law, and must be free of defects.

The seller is responsible for defects that the sold goods have when they are taken over by the buyer and for defects that occur after taking over the goods during the warranty period. In the case of goods sold at a lower price, he is not responsible for defects for which a lower price was negotiated.

The warranty period is 24 months and starts from the day the buyer takes over the goods. The time from the exercise of the right from liability for defects to the time when the buyer was obliged to take over the goods after the repair is completed is not included in the warranty period.

The warranty applies to manufacturing defects of the watch itself (movement, case, glass). Other parts are not covered by the warranty. The seller is obliged to provide a guarantee in writing (warranty certificate).

If the goods are exchanged, the warranty period starts again from the receipt of the new goods. The same applies if there is a replacement of a part for which a guarantee has been provided. In case of exchange of defective goods, the buyer will receive a document on which the exchanged goods will be marked. Any other claims are applied on the basis of the original delivery note and this claim document.

The buyer's rights from liability for product defects will expire if they have not been exercised within the warranty period.

When purchasing goods, the buyer is obliged to inspect the goods and check the completeness of the goods and relevant documents (tax document, warranty card, user manual). When picking up the goods in person, the buyer is obliged to inspect the goods and detect obvious defects related to mechanical damage to the goods or their packaging, the quantity of delivered goods, the completeness of documents, or other obvious defects should be reported immediately. When the goods are delivered by courier service or by post, the buyer is obliged to write a complaint report at the place of receipt of the goods about detected obvious defects - about the incompleteness of the shipment, mechanical damage to the goods, its packaging, or other obvious defects. Later complaints regarding obvious defects of the goods, detectable upon receipt of the goods and incompleteness of the goods and documents, cannot be recognized and such a claim will be considered unauthorized. The seller is not responsible for revealed defects detectable upon receipt of the goods and incompleteness of the delivered goods and documents even if the buyer does not exercise the right to inspect the goods upon receipt.

Claims for mechanical damage to goods that were not apparent upon receipt must be made without undue delay after receipt of the goods, no later than within 24 hours of receipt. Later complaints will not be accepted.

The carrier is responsible for damage to goods during transport, as all goods are insured. On the basis of the prepared record, the customer will be provided with an appropriate discount or new goods delivered after the conclusion of the damage event with the carrier.

In the event that the goods handed over to the buyer do not correspond to the quality stated by the seller on his website, the buyer is obliged to notify the seller of this fact no later than 2 working days after receiving the goods. Additional complaints of this type will not be recognized.

Before using the purchased goods for the first time, the buyer is obliged to study the warranty conditions, including the user manual, and then follow this information.

The buyer is obliged to exercise the rights from liability for defects without unnecessary delay after they are discovered, at the latest by the expiration of the warranty period.

The warranty applies only to functional malfunctions of the goods caused by a manufacturing defect.

Claim application

Claims within the warranty period must be made electronically to the email address or in writing to the address: Jacob Guldan sro, SNP 1980/29, 900 01 Modra, Slovak Republic. In the complaint, it is necessary to state the name, address, order number, e-mail, telephone contact and a detailed description of the problem - the reason for the complaint. Mark the subject of the email (letter) with the term: "Goods complaint". The buyer applies the complaint by handing over the defective goods and relevant documents, or by sending them (by mail or courier service) to the address Jacob Guldan s.r.o., SNP 1980/29, 900 01 Modra, Slovak Republic.

When making a claim, the buyer is obliged to present a warranty certificate and proof of purchase of the goods, or payment of the purchase price. In case of non-submission of the mentioned documents, the claim will not be recognized as a warranty claim. An incomplete or incorrectly amended warranty certificate is invalid. The buyer is also obliged to submit documents about any previous repairs related to the warranty.

The seller is not responsible for any incorrect data provided by the buyer in the complaint protocol and for the impossibility of delivering documents to the contact address provided by the buyer. In the complaint protocol, the buyer also states which of the claims from liability for defects he applies and in what way he requests the receipt of the completed complaint (personal collection, sending by mail). The buyer will hand over the complaint protocol, or sends (electronically/by post) to the seller together with the claimed goods and relevant documents.
If the buyer sends defective goods to the seller, he is obliged to pack them in suitable packaging that sufficiently protects the goods and meets the requirements for the transport of fragile goods, while he is obliged to mark the shipment with the appropriate symbols. The seller is not responsible for damage to the goods caused by their inappropriate packaging.

The day when the buyer filed a complaint with the seller is considered the day of initiation of the complaint procedure. In the case of a personal claim, it is the day of handing over the defective goods together with the relevant documents to the seller. When defective goods are sent to the seller, the day when the defective goods together with the relevant documents were delivered to the seller is considered the day of initiation of the complaint procedure.

In the event that the buyer does not submit all the required documents when making a claim, or these are not legible or the goods handed over are not complete, the complaint procedure only starts on the day of handing over the complete goods and all the required documents. If the buyer does not complete the missing documents and goods even at the request of the seller, the claim will be considered unfounded.

Postage or other transport costs for the purpose of returning the goods to the hands of the seller shall be borne by the customer in the position of buyer in its entirety. We do not accept goods returned by cash on delivery method.

The seller or a designated person will issue a confirmation of the application of the goods complaint to the buyer in a suitable form chosen by the seller, e.g. in the form of an e-mail or in writing and is obliged to instruct the consumer about his rights, which arise from paragraph § 622 and para. § 623 of the Civil Code. If the claim is made via means of remote communication, the seller is obliged to deliver the confirmation of the claim to the buyer immediately; if it is not possible to deliver the confirmation immediately, it must be delivered without unnecessary delay, but at the latest together with a document on the processing of the claim; confirmation of the application of the claim does not need to be delivered if the buyer has the opportunity to demonstrate the application of the claim in another way.

On the basis of the buyer's decision, which of its rights in accordance with section § 622 and para. § 623 of the Civil Code applies, the seller or a designated person is obliged to determine the method of handling the complaint (see below) immediately, in more complex cases within 3 days from the start of the complaint procedure, in justified cases, especially if a complex technical evaluation of the condition of the goods is required, no later than 30 days from the start of the complaint procedure. After determining the method of handling the complaint, the seller or the designated person will handle the complaint immediately, in justified cases the complaint can also be handled later. However, the processing of the claim must not take longer than 30 days from the day the claim is applied. After the expiry of the deadline for processing the complaint, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract or has the right to exchange the goods for new goods.

The seller is obliged to issue a written document (for this purpose, it is also an e-mail) about the handling of the claim, no later than 30 days from the date of application of the claim, but no later than together with the document about the handling of the claim, if the deadline for handling it began to run from taking over the subject of the complaint by the seller. The seller informs the buyer about the end of the complaint procedure and the result of the complaint in the form specified by the seller (e-mail or registered letter).

If the buyer made a complaint about the goods within the first 12 months from the conclusion of the purchase contract, the seller can handle the complaint by rejecting it only on the basis of an expert opinion or an opinion issued by an authorized, notified or accredited person or the opinion of a designated person (hereinafter referred to as "expert assessment of the goods"). Regardless of the result of the expert assessment, the seller cannot require the buyer to pay the costs of the expert assessment of the goods or other costs related to the expert assessment of the goods. The seller is obliged to provide the consumer with a copy of the expert assessment justifying the rejection of the claim no later than 14 days from the day the claim was processed.

If the buyer made a complaint about the product after 12 months from the conclusion of the purchase contract and the seller rejected it, the person who processed the complaint is obliged to indicate in the complaint handling document to whom the buyer can send the goods for expert assessment. If the buyer sends the goods for expert assessment to the specified person specified in the claim document, the costs of the expert assessment of the goods, as well as all other related costs, are borne by the seller, regardless of the result of the expert assessment. If the buyer proves the seller's responsibility for the claimed defect in the goods through a professional assessment, he can apply the claim again; the warranty period does not expire during the expert assessment of the goods. The seller is obliged to reimburse the buyer within 14 days from the date of the renewed claim all costs incurred for the expert assessment of the goods, as well as all related costs incurred purposefully. A renewed claim cannot be rejected.

The seller is obliged to keep records of complaints and present them at the request of the supervisory authority for inspection. The claim record must contain data on the date of the claim, the date and method of processing the claim, and the serial number of the claim claim document.

Please note that in these cases a fee is charged for repair/replacement, even during the warranty period:

  • failure or damage caused by improper use or carelessness (bumps, dents, crushing, broken glass, etc.),
  • failure or damage caused by unauthorized repair or modification,
  • failure or damage caused by fire, water or a natural disaster such as an earthquake,
  • aesthetic changes that occur during normal wear, wear and aging (small scratches, etc. on the case or glass, change in color of the strap and peeling of the plating),
  • in the event that a guarantee is not presented together with the watch.
  • a fee is charged for battery replacement even during the warranty period.

The case, dial, hands, glass, strap and other parts can be replaced with substitutes if the originals are not available.

This warranty ensures a free replacement in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein, within a specified period without limiting any legal rights of the customer.

The right to a free warranty repair expires

  • by not presenting the warranty card, accessories or product documentation,
  • by not reporting obvious errors when taking over the goods,
  • upon expiry of the goods' warranty period,
  • mechanical damage to the goods caused by the buyer,
  • using the goods in conditions that do not correspond to the natural environment due to their humidity, chemical and mechanical effects,
  • by unprofessional handling, service or neglect of the care of the goods,
  • damage to the goods due to excessive loading or use contrary to the conditions specified in the documentation,
  • general principles, technical standards or safety regulations valid in the Slovak Republic,
  • damage to the goods due to unavoidable and/or unforeseeable events,
  • damage to the goods by accidental damage and accidental deterioration,
  • by unprofessional intervention, damage during transport, damage by water, fire, static or atmospheric electricity or other force majeure,
  • by interfering with the goods of an unauthorized person.

    Ways of dealing with complaints

    If a defect occurs on the goods during the warranty period that can be removed, the buyer has the right to its free, timely and proper removal. The seller is obliged to remove the defect without undue delay. The seller decides on the method of removing the defect. Instead of removing the defect, the buyer can demand the replacement of the goods, or if the defect concerns only a part of the goods, the replacement of the part, if this does not incur disproportionate costs for the seller in view of the price of the goods or the severity of the defect. Instead of removing the defect, the seller can always replace the defective goods with perfect ones, if this does not cause serious difficulties for the buyer. Defects that can be removed are defects whose removal will not impair the quality and performance of the goods.

    If the appearance of the goods has deteriorated due to the warranty repair and its functionality has not been violated, it is possible to settle the claim with a discount from the purchase price.

    The buyer has the right to demand a free exchange of goods or withdraw from the purchase contract:

    • if there is a defect in the goods that cannot be removed and which prevents the goods from being properly used as goods without defects,

    • although these are removable defects, the buyer cannot properly use the goods due to the reappearance of the defect after repair; the re-occurrence of a defect after repair is considered to be the case if the same defect occurs a third time after its at least two previous repairs,

    • although these are removable defects, the buyer cannot properly use the goods due to a greater number of defects; at least three different removable defects that prevent the proper use of the goods are considered to be a greater number of defects,

    • the seller does not handle the complaint within the statutory 30-day period (in this case, it is considered to be an irreparable defect).

    If other irreparable defects appear on the goods, the buyer has the right to a reasonable discount on the price of the goods. When processing a claim by providing a discount from the purchase price, the nature of the defect, the degree and method of wear and tear of the goods and the possibility of their further use are taken into account. The seller decides on the amount of the discount provided. If the goods sold at a lower price have a defect for which the seller is responsible, the buyer has the right to a reasonable discount from the purchase price instead of the right to exchange the goods.

    If the goods are no longer sold, the customer will be refunded in full. If the goods do not show the described defects, the goods will be sent back to the customer in the position of buyer.

    The seller is obliged to handle the complaint and end the complaint procedure in one of the following ways:

    • handing over repaired goods,
    • by exchanging goods
    • returning the purchase price of the goods,
    • by paying a reasonable discount on the price of the goods,
    • a written request for the seller to take over the specified performance,
    • by justified refusal of warranty claim of the goods.

    The handling of the complaint does not affect the buyer's right to compensation for damage according to Act no. 294/1999 Coll. on liability for damage caused by a defective statement, as amended.

    If the consumer is not satisfied with the way in which the seller handled his complaint or if he believes that the seller has violated his rights, he has the opportunity to contact the seller with a request for correction. If the seller responds negatively to the request for correction or does not respond to it within 30 days from the date of its sending, the consumer has the right to submit a proposal to start an alternative solution to his dispute according to the provisions of § 12 of Act no. 391/2015 Coll. on alternative resolution of consumer disputes and amendments to some laws. The competent entity for the alternative resolution of consumer disputes with the seller is the Slovak Trade Inspection or another relevant authorized legal entity registered in the list of alternative dispute resolution entities ( maintained by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (the list is available at http://www.; the consumer has the right to choose which of the listed entities of alternative resolution of consumer disputes to turn to.

    The consumer can use the online dispute resolution platform, which is available on the website:, to submit a proposal for an alternative resolution of their dispute.

    By accepting the goods, the buyer agrees to this complaint procedure and confirms that he was familiar with its content.

    Withdrawal from the purchase contract

    The seller is entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract due to the stock being sold out, the unavailability of the goods, or if the manufacturer, importer or supplier of the goods agreed in the purchase contract interrupted production or made such serious changes that made it impossible to fulfill the seller's obligations arising from the purchase contract or for reasons of force majeure , or if, even after making all the efforts that can be fairly required of him, he is unable to deliver the goods to the customer within the period determined by these terms and conditions or at the price specified in the order. The seller is obliged to inform the buyer about this fact immediately, and at the same time is entitled to offer the buyer replacement performance. In the case of withdrawal from the purchase contract, the seller is obliged to return to the buyer the advance payment already paid for the goods agreed in the purchase contract within 14 days from the notification of withdrawal from the contract, by transfer to the account specified by the buyer, unless the parties agree otherwise.

    The seller is entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract even if the buyer has not taken over the goods within five working days from the date on which the buyer was obliged to take over the goods.

    The seller is also entitled to withdraw from the contract concluded with the customer in the event of an obvious error in the price of the goods (ie prices clearly different from the usual price for this type / type of goods). An obvious error in the price of the goods is considered, for example, to incorrectly state the first three digits instead of four; a lower price by one digit (e.g. one digit "falls out" when specifying the price); an obviously low price of the goods (e.g. a 50% lower price than is usual for this kind and type of goods, without the goods being indicated that it is a sale or another discount promotion); and other obvious typographical errors, obvious errors in the product description, image, etc., or in the case of clearly erroneous information provided by the customer center operator. In the event that this situation occurs, the seller will immediately contact the buyer in order to agree on the next procedure. If the buyer has already paid part or all of the purchase price, this amount will be transferred back to his account or address as soon as possible, within 14 working days, but no later than 30 days after the cancellation of the order by the seller.


    The buyer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract without giving a reason under the conditions regulated by Act no. 102/2014 Coll. on consumer protection in the sale of goods or provision of services on the basis of a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside the seller's premises and on the amendment and supplementation of certain laws (hereinafter referred to as the "Act on Consumer Protection in the Sale of Goods") within 30 days from the day of receipt of the goods.

    The goods are considered to be taken over by the buyer at the moment when the buyer or a third party designated by him, with the exception of the carrier, takes over all parts of the ordered goods, or if the goods ordered by the buyer in one order are delivered separately, at the time of taking over the goods that were delivered last, or if they are delivered goods consisting of several parts or pieces, at the moment of acceptance of the last part or last piece, or if the goods are delivered repeatedly during a defined period, at the moment of acceptance of the first delivered goods.

    When exercising the right to withdraw from the contract, inform us of your decision to withdraw from this contract by a clear statement - by letter sent by post to the address: Jacob Guldan sr o, SNP 29, 90001 Modra, Slovak Republic. You can use the sample withdrawal form below for this purpose.

    If you are interested, you can fill out and send a sample withdrawal form or any other unequivocal declaration of withdrawal electronically to the e-mail address: If you use this option, we will immediately confirm the withdrawal from the contract by e-mail.

    The withdrawal period is preserved if you send a notice of exercise of the right to withdraw from the contract before the withdrawal period expires.

    The buyer is obliged to deliver the goods to the seller complete, including complete documentation, undamaged, in the original packaging, unused and with complete accessories that were delivered to him together with the goods.

    After receiving the goods, the buyer has the right to unpack and test them in a similar way as when buying in a traditional brick-and-mortar store. However, testing does not mean starting to use the product and returning it to the seller after a few days. The goods must be returned to the postal address of Jacob Guldan, s.r.o., SNP 29, 90001 Modra, Slovak Republic. Please send the goods in the original packaging, complete, unused and undamaged. For a refund, you must send us:

    - goods in original packaging, undamaged

    - original warranty card

    - original invoice

    - a copy of the receipt of the goods from the courier (due to the date of delivery)

    - account number to which the money is to be returned

    The buyer bears the costs of returning the goods to the seller or the person authorized by the seller to take over the goods. We do not accept goods returned by cash on delivery method.

    After withdrawing from the contract, we will return all payments you made in connection with the conclusion of the contract, especially the purchase price, including the costs of delivering the goods to you. This does not apply to additional costs if you have chosen a different type of delivery than the cheapest standard delivery method we offer. Payments will be returned to you without undue delay, at the latest within 14 days from the day we receive your notice of withdrawal from this contract. Their payment will be made in the same way that you used for your payment, if you did not expressly agree to another payment method, without charging any additional fees.

    Payment for the purchased goods will be paid to you only after the returned goods have been delivered back to our address or upon presentation of a document proving the return of the goods, whichever occurs first.

    Send the goods back to us or bring them to our address no later than 14 days from the day of exercising the right to withdraw from the contract. The period is considered to be preserved if you send the goods back before the 14-day period has expired.

    The buyer is only responsible for the reduction in the value of the goods as a result of handling them in a way other than what is necessary to determine the nature, properties and functionality of the goods.

    The consumer in the position of buyer cannot withdraw from the contract, the subject of which is the sale of goods or the provision of services, the price of which depends on the movement of prices on the financial market, which the seller cannot influence and which may occur during the period for withdrawal from the contract and the sale of goods made according to special consumer requirements. The consumer in the position of buyer cannot withdraw from the contract, the subject of which is the sale of custom-made goods or goods intended specifically for one consumer.

    Sample withdrawal form:

    (fill in and send this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

    Addressee: Jacob Guldan sr o, SNP 29, 90001 Modra, Slovak Republic

    I hereby announce that I withdraw from the contract for these goods:

    Order date, order number (or invoice number):
    Date of receipt of goods:
    Name and surname of the consumer:
    Address of the consumer:
    Total Price:

    Signature of the consumer ( only if this form is submitted in paper form )

    Principles of personal data processing

    The seller processes the buyer's personal data in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) no. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data and according to the Personal Data Processing Principles, which are listed in the section:

    Product reviews

    The seller reserves the right not to publish product reviews that contain inappropriate terms, are false, are not related to the given product, link to external sites or in any other way damage the name of our company.

    Product information

    Jacob Guldan has the right to adjust prices, add additional costs, change product assortment and related information without notice. The purpose of product images and information texts published by Jacob Guldan is to display the products as best as possible. Despite our company's efforts to correct the content of the website, it may contain erroneous information. Jacob Guldan cannot guarantee that all product images faithfully depict the actual appearance of the products, therefore all product images should be considered illustrative. Product images may vary depending on the color settings on the buyer's/customer's computer.

    Supply of goods

    Our company provides delivery of goods almost all over the world. We deliver goods to the following countries free of charge: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, of the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the Holy See (Vatican City State). The delivery of goods takes place in cooperation with operators of postal services and their partners. The method of delivery and the delivery time may vary, depending on the customer's chosen address, as well as on external factors that cannot be influenced (customs regulations, weather effects, force majeure, etc.).

    Approximate delivery time

    In Slovakia: 1-3 days
    Within Europe: 2-5 days
    Outside Europe: 3-10 days

    Our effort is to process each order as quickly as possible and to provide the customer with all the necessary information related to it, but our company does not guarantee the above indicative delivery time, as it depends on the specific delivery address specified by the customer.


    Jacob Guldan's liability for delivery errors is limited to the existing terms of sale. Jacob Guldan bears no direct or indirect liability for, for example, incompatibility, delivery delays, downtime, data loss, extra work or other economic damages.

    A higher power

    Jacob Guldan bears no responsibility for damages or other sanctions associated with non-fulfillment of the contract, obstacles or delays in its fulfillment, as long as they were caused by circumstances beyond his control. For example, government intervention, new/amended legislation, absence of the state, war, fire, flood, work disruption, bans, restrictions, sabotage, insufficient transport or weather conditions or non-delivery by suppliers and exposure of the company to criminal activity that affects its activity.

    Intellectual property rights

    All intellectual property rights, such as trademarks and copyrights, in the Website and the posted material are owned by Jacob Guldan or its subsidiaries or licensors. Any use of the site or its content, including copying or storing of such content in whole or in part for other than personal non-commercial use, is prohibited without the permission of Jacob Guldan.

    User Generated Content

    The website may contain user-generated content, such as social media applications. Jacob Guldan does not claim any ownership rights to this content (images, photos and videos, etc.) and assumes no legal responsibility for it. If you suspect a violation of copyright or other rights or find the content offensive, please contact our customer service at

    Reservation of ownership

    All products remain the property of Jacob Guldan until full payment is received.

    Upon receipt of the goods, ownership of the goods passes to the buyer.

    The risk of damage to the goods passes to the buyer at the time he takes over the goods from the seller, or if he does not do so in time, then at the time when the seller allows him to handle the goods and the buyer does not take over the goods.

    Crime of fraud

    All suspicions of fraud are reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities and Jacob Guldan reserves the right to cancel the purchase in the event of any suspicion of fraud.

    Governing Law and Jurisdiction

    These conditions and the use of the website are governed by Slovak legal regulations. Within the legal scope, the Slovak courts have exclusive jurisdiction in the event of any dispute arising from these terms of use and the use of the website, subject to the right of Jacob Guldan to prosecute the user at his place of residence.

    Cancellation and Termination

    Jacob Guldan reserves the right to cancel the customer-buyer's account and/or terminate the use of the website at its sole discretion. For example, provided there is a reasonable suspicion that the buyer/customer has violated/is violating these GTC of use, or other applicable legal regulations. This cancellation and termination will take place without prior notice.


    Jacob Guldan can modify the wording of these GTC at any time. When ordering goods, the GTC valid at the time apply to the contract between the buyer and the seller - Jacob Guldan. For this reason, we recommend that customers familiarize themselves with the current version of the General Terms and Conditions at the time of sending the order.

    Final provisions

    The seller reserves the right to change these general terms and conditions. The obligation to notify in writing of changes in these general terms and conditions is fulfilled by placing them on the website of the seller's electronic store. However, a validly concluded contract is governed by the general business conditions at the time it was concluded. After confirmation, the consumer's order is archived as a concluded contract between the buyer and the seller for the purpose of its fulfillment and further records, and its status is accessible to the buyer.

    In case of doubt, the contracting parties have agreed that the period of use is considered to be the period from the delivery of the goods to the buyer (including the day of delivery) to the day of the return of the goods to the seller, or by handing over the goods to the courier for the purpose of transporting them to the seller.

    The contracting parties have agreed that communication between them will be carried out mainly in the form of e-mail messages, or by mail.

    The relevant provisions of the Civil Code, Act no. 22/2004 Coll. on electronic commerce and on the amendment of Act no. 128/2002 Coll. on state control of the internal market in matters of consumer protection and on the amendment of certain laws as amended by Act no. 284/2002 Coll., as amended, Act no. 250/2007 Coll. on consumer protection and amending Act of the Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 Coll. on offenses as amended and Act no. 102/2014 Coll. on consumer protection in the sale of goods or provision of services on the basis of a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside the seller's premises and on amendments to certain laws.

    These general terms and conditions become effective against the buyer upon sending the electronic order by the buyer.

    By checking the box before sending the order, the buyer confirms that he has read these general terms and conditions and agrees with them in their entirety.

    These terms of use were updated on September 1, 2020.